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The founder of A1X Capital adheres to clear principles in his entrepreneurial activities, whether it concerns a project in the real sector, the digital realm, or an educational-social initiative. These principles form the foundation of his success and help him stay true to his values.

  • 1 principle


    One of the core principles is the prioritization of satisfying employees' needs. The founder firmly believes that any business relies on its employees. Moving away from the principle of 'maximizing profit from employees while minimizing their compensation' helps create a harmonious and productive work environment. The best employee is an experienced one, so we are convinced that fair wages and respect for each staff member contribute to high motivation and performance, which, in turn, positively impacts the overall success of the company. Employee turnover is a risk that has destroyed more than one business.

  • 2 principle


    Foregoing the collection and spending of profits on personal consumption is another key approach of the founder. It is believed that true development is only possible through constant reinvestment. A significant portion of the profits is always directed towards further business development, innovation, and expanding capabilities. This approach ensures the company's steady growth and competitiveness in the market.

  • 3 principle

    Ethical behavior

    Not all money is the same. Another important principle is the refusal to work in areas that, while legal, are not ethical. We consciously avoid sectors such as the alcohol and tobacco industry, slot machines, casinos, pawnshops, dealings with Russian clients, microloans, and others. We believe that success should be achieved without harming society, and exploiting human vulnerabilities—though one of the most profitable areas of activity—is a taboo for A1X Capital.

  • 4 principle


    The constant search for new areas of activity is an integral part of business strategy. The world is changing, and business must change with it. Lack of development, even if it yields steady profits, is a path to bankruptcy. Actively seeking new investment and development opportunities, continuously researching the market, and adapting strategies according to current trends and needs are essential.