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Andrii Opanasiiuk

A Ukrainian entrepreneur, volunteer, public figure, and founder of A1X Capital.

Born on August 1, 1983 (41 years old) in Kyiv, in a family of teachers. A Ukrainian citizen, married, with three children. Mother is an English language teacher (philologist), and father is a history teacher (historian).


  • ellipse 2000 – Graduated from Gryshkovetska Secondary School with honors. Even in school, was interested in entrepreneurial activities and implemented several ideas with peers. With a well-stocked home library, studied economics, philosophy, and psychology. Classical literature provided a strong foundation for developing imagination and later generating ideas.
  • ellipse 2000 – 2005 – Studied at Vinnytsia National Technical University, Faculty of Information Technologies and Computer Engineering.
  • ellipse 2004 – 2006 – Vinnytsia National Technical University. Management of Organizations.
  • ellipse 2022 – Earned a PhD at Zhytomyr Polytechnic University, with a dissertation defended in the field of «Accounting, Analysis, and Audit.»

Additional education

  • ellipse May 2011 – Studied business literature at Kyiv-Mohyla Business School (www.kmbs.ua), course «TOC Thinking Processes for Manufacturing.»
  • ellipse After completing the course at the business school, I began self-studying business education in the MBA direction, including:Jack Trout, «Marketing Wars», «Differentiate or Die: Survival in an Era of Killer Competition», Eliyahu Goldratt, «The Goal: A Process of Ongoing Improvement», Josh Kaufman, «The Personal MBA», Dan Kennedy, «No B.S. Time Management for Entrepreneurs»
  • ellipse August 2005 – Decided to study finance within the banking system at VФ KB «PrivatBank». After gaining the necessary knowledge and experience, decided to start my own business.


  • ellipse Started entrepreneurial activities at a young age.
  • ellipse January 2008 – Private entrepreneur. Began with a challenging business: manufacturing. Launched production and sales of concrete products, including foundation blocks, concrete rings, aerated concrete, and paving slabs.
  • ellipse February 2012 – TM 'Monolith'. Production and sale of concrete products. Import and bulk packaging of cement.
  • ellipse November 2013 – Opened a branch in Romania. The main activity of the company was servicing household textiles for residents of Romania (selling household textiles produced in Ukraine). Over time, the business grew from 2 retail locations to more than 60.
  • ellipse March 2016 – LLC 'Perspektiva'. Production and sale of household textiles. Organized the company 'from scratch.' At the time of acquisition, the company had outstanding debts and no infrastructure. Today, the company is fully equipped with everything necessary for efficiently performing its core tasks. During this period, approximately 40 jobs have been created.
  • ellipse During the period from 2016 to 2018, the company was already selling its products through its own firms in European countries (Romania, Hungary, Poland).
  • ellipse In April 2019, a long-term contract was signed with the Lithuanian firm Nostra, which sells household textiles in most European countries.
  • ellipse Since 2020, involved in the LARGE CONSTRUCTION initiative. Establishing own asphalt plants and constructing roads in Ukraine.
  • ellipse 2021 – Implementation of the project: Industrial Park Braun Field, for relocating large enterprises from conflict zones.
  • ellipse 2022 – Venture investments (Global Networking, Software Development, Crypto DEX markets, E-Commerce).

Public activity

  • ellipse In 2019, founded the educational space for youth POSTERUM in the center of Vinnytsia

Main areas of activity of POSTERUM:

  • item business creation activities;
  • item discussions with successful people;
  • item leadership courses;
  • item sales and marketing training;
  • item career guidance activities;
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Over the past 5 years:






social projects
for city improvement


and speakers


social projects
for city improvement


free youth
communities of 2022

a1x capital a1x capital a1x capital a1x capital a1x capital a1x capital a1x capital a1x capital a1x capital a1x capital a1x capital
  • ellipse During the pandemic, organized over 300 free online webinars and 2 major projects that brought together nearly 500 residents of Vinnytsia online.
  • ellipse At the beginning of the war, Andrii Opanasiiuk created the volunteer community 'ISupport,' where 130 students assisted the city every day for two months
  • ellipse At the business creation courses, over 100 POSTERUM graduates have joined the ranks of entrepreneurs and are making significant contributions to Ukraine's economy. Most graduates and students take on leadership roles as heads of student councils and in student organizations. Some graduates have become speakers and experts at POSTERUM and are now teaching and assisting other participants.
  • ellipse POSTERUM's mission is to unlock the potential of Vinnytsia's youth and help realize it, strengthening Ukraine in the process.

Other facts

  • ellipse Frequently spoke as a speaker at meetings with entrepreneurs and major business conferences in Vinnytsia.
  • ellipse Participated as a jury member in the evaluation of startup entrepreneurs.
  • ellipse Financed the social projects 'TIME Z' in 2020, aimed at city improvement, and 'VERBUM' in 2024, focused on public speaking among the youth of Vinnytsia, with the main message 'I for UKRAINE.